Do you want to learn Polish? Let me give you some suggestions

I have been staying in Poland for a quite a long time. At the beginning I thought that I was going to stay here simply for a while. I came there for a university exchange and wasn’t interested in learning local language. But after a while I met an awesome girl and I simply fell in love.
Definitely, she knew English but her parents and many of friends wasn’t interested in using the foreign language. All of them kept on saying that after so so many months in Poland, I should be already learning Polish. I need to to agree that they were right. I can’t expect everybody to speak English. I had to do something this laziness. Thus, I made a decision that I am going to go for polish course warsaw. Nonetheless, when I was searching for polish course warsaw, I found it quite difficult to make a decision. Why? Because I found many of different offers and tutors. Sadly, it took me some time before I found the proper tutor as well as learning method. I hope my short history would be useful in your own journey.
Article wrote: Rose Physical Therapy Group

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Polish language school as your opportunity to obtain a great job offer in the Eastern Europe

Article wrote: Laurie Sullivan
European Union has both its strong supporters and opponents. It is so, because for a lot of different people there are a variety of pros and cons of belonging to this organization at the same time. First of all, the integration of the majority of the countries of Europe resulted in opening of the borders. This indicates that increasing percentage of European citizens began to travel through the continent for various reasons. On the other side, the most crucial topic in this field is that a lot of them are looking for a job.

Firstly, I chose a language school. It might have been my fault as I didn’t request how many people are going to be in my class. Therefore, I ended up in a big group. This was busy, crowded and awkward. Only some of us had time to speak up during classes. Unluckily, I decided to quit (Read about us Po Polsku). Afterward, I decided to go for a private teacher. But she was too focused on grammar. I didn’t even say basic sentences but she wanted to teach me an advanced grammar. I didn’t like this and I wouldn’t recommend this approach to you neither. Start speaking. Even if it will be not grammatically correct. You are going to learn grammatical nuances later.

After that, I sidgned up for another language course. This time I knew that I have to ask all details about the group and the teacher. Thanks to that I have ended up in a small group. What I did love was that we had classes twice a week. On Tuesdays we had grammar and new topics. On Thursday we were focusing on just conversation. I really liked this approach and this worked very well.
Because of attending this polish course warsaw , I succeed to make a huge progress. After a while I was able to have a nice conversation with father of my girlfriend! They were extremely impressed!
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